Available Winter/Spring Boosts

We have a good mix for Winter and Spring, 2020.  Keep in mind these are only the seeds.  Feel free to customize and adjust, using all your teaching experience and creativity to grow your own. Please download and let us know what you think!

Class Wheel of Fortune.png

Classroom Wheel of Fortune!

Wheel of Fortune is an easy way for you to bring fun, smiles, and laughter to your classroom, as well as entertain yourself in the process.  As students spin, they either win prizes or land on challenges specifically designed to promote positive interaction.  

There’s no need to change up your normally planned material as the game runs in the background over the course of normal class days.

The Game of Games

You’ve reached the doldrums of the year. Students file in and their eyes glaze over. Class structure has been the same for the last 3 weeks. You look out upon the class and can’t remember if it’s Wednesday or February….

The Game of Games is derived from some of the best sales and productivity games we’ve seen and instantly energizes your classroom. The game runs for one class period and can be customized to fit your personality and style.

In offices, this game is often run with sales bonuses or the promise of going home early. For the classroom, we recommend the one thing every student wishes for the most… no homework!

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Match Maker.

We hear it repeatedly: “We just want our people to interact more and be friends.”

With this activity, we don’t try to get too cute or do too much, and we always keep our goal in focus. We want a simple supplement to help everyone in the class become closer friends with at least one or two people who they weren’t friends with before.

The best part is you can pull this out anytime you wish, do it over and over again, and make it as big or as small as you want. You can use this activity whenever you get a new student, or you can use it to kick off group projects to bring the students closer before they even begin.